Show Me Your Blog Design and I’ll Show You Your Blog’s Future...

1. Use a simple theme
2. Navigation counts
3. Font types and size
4. Using multiple colors

I won’t agree with you if you tell me that your blog design has nothing to do with your traffic and how you make money online.
If I should show you two houses, one with a beautiful design and the other with a rough design and voluntarily ask you to choose one out of it as a gift (I wish I could), you’ll definitely go for the one with a beautiful design.
Let’s draw this back to the aspect of blogging.
Your blog design has a great role to play; it’s the first thing to consider before thinking of writing quality content, generating traffic or making money online.
Definitely it can affect your blog in a positive way and also in a negative way, a good design attracts visitors while a bad design bids them farewell.
Show Me Your Blog Design and I’ll Show You Your Blog’s Future
What are the blog designs that can affect your blog and how can you avoid them?
Too much of everything is bad, there’s this saying that goes thus “one man’s food is another man’s poison”. You might optimize your theme in a way that will look good to you but do you know if it looks good to your readers?
I have an idea, why not ask friends or other bloggers you’ve created connections with to check out your blog and tell you their opinion about your design.
If you get a negative answer from three different bloggers then you must make a change to your blog design. Make your blog design simple and avoid over optimization. It’ll not only make your blog look good but will also welcome visitors to your blog.
There’re many sites that provide premium WordPress Theme. But Below I’m sharing 2 top and best, affordable WordPress Club That provide great Premium WordPress Themes!
ElegantThemes – Looking for great, professional looking, elegant style wordpress themes? Elegant themes have it all. They provide great quality wordpress themes. Get 100% complete access to their entire collection of 76 themes for only $39!
Theme-Junkie – ThemeJunkie provide best wordpress Themes for very low price, Professional looking, Fast loading and great lifetime support.
You’re building an empty desert on your blog if readers find it difficult to navigate through your blog.
I’ve received few messages from bloggers contacting me to check their blog if it’s eligible for google adsense and to my surprise, most of the blogs have no navigation at all. I managed to type “/contact” after the blog URL in order to get to the contact page, I know that’s a no-brainer.
If a visitor visits your blog, will they find it easy to contact you or know more about you? Those pages are very essential, you also need to group your blog posts into categories; this will make it easy for readers to access your blog. You can make navigations easier by placing your pages at the header and at the footer of your blog, it really counts.
Of course, you want to make your blog beautiful and attractive by using fancy fonts.
Before doing this, the question you should ask yourself is; will my readers be able to read my blog content?
If yes, then you’re safe but if no, there are two things involved. It’s either they put on a google glass for easy readability or they won’t bother stressing their eyes thereby leaving your blog. The size and type of your font matters a lot. There are fancy fonts that can slow down a blog and of course, you know we’re all in a hurry. If I should visit your blog and find out that it has a lazy load, I won’t hesitate to leave your blog. So try as much as possible and optimize your fonts for your readers and not for yourself.
Show Me Your Blog Design and I’ll Show You Your Blog’s Future
The eyes naturally gets attracted to anything colorful but too much of it is a distraction to the eyes. The maximum number and range of color you can use on your blog is around 4 – 6 major colors, it depends on the theme of your blog. If you’re using a red theme then the background of your navigation bar and sidebar title must be red, your blog background color can be different and your footer color can be different too, making it a total of 4 colors on your blog. This makes your color a uniform and professional. Avoid multiple colors on your blog; it’s nothing but a color riot.
Go back and do some architectural work on your blog, I’m sure you know how it looks like. Try to make some amendment if you fall on any of the categories mentioned above.
Remember, a bad blog design welcomes a high bounce rate and a high bounce rate can get your blog de-ranked.
I’m sure these tips are definitely incomplete; I would love to hear your view.
Have you previously fall into any of these categories? How did they affect your blog?
Show Me Your Blog Design and I’ll Show You Your Blog’s Future... Show Me Your Blog Design and I’ll Show You Your Blog’s Future... Reviewed by Unknown on 03:43:00 Rating: 5

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